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MPK Poznań and Solaris Bus & Coach keep up-to-date with their commitment to zero-emissions buses

28 June 2024

You might remember it, as it was a perfect closing to the CBEP Study Tours: back in May 2023 we had the pleasure to visit Cagliari, Italy, hosted by the local operator CTM SpA, to experience hands-on battery buses and trolleybuses system, in a joint event with the UITP Trolleybus Committee.

This time, one year after, we travelled to Poznań, Poland, from 4-5 June in the frame of the 40th UITP Trolleybus Committee meeting, hosted by MPK Poznań and Solaris Bus & Coach, to learn about the remarkable developments that Poznań, CBEP Target City, has made with the introduction of battery and fuel cell bus technologies.

We were glad to witness that the CBEP support bore good fruits, hands down due to the fantastic work of MPK Poznań and the local bus manufacturer Solaris B&C, both CBEP members and strongly committed to the project.

Today, MPK fleet is made of 330 buses, of which 58 are electric battery buses and 25 hydrogen fuel cell buses. And more are to come!






During the two days, we learnt about the current developments in MPK as well as the future plans, complementing with technical visits to the bus depot and the hydrogen refuelling station. We also travelled in historical trams and buses, driven by MPK Poznań CEO, Krzysztof Dostatni.

Krzysztof presented MPK plans and was our VIP driver









“MPK Poznań is a company that combines tradition with modernity. I am very glad that we could present our fleet, including the most modern hydrogen buses and the hall for their service. We want public transport to be safe, reliable and ecological, and traveling conditions to be comfortable, so investments in rolling stock are an important element of the company's operation.” MPK Poznań CEO, Krzysztof Dostatni.

We also had the opportunity to visit the Solaris B&C factory, one of the main economic pillars in Poznań, during the meeting hosted by Javier Iriarte, Solaris CEO, and Mateusz Figaszewski, Director of Institutional Partnerships and External Relations.

Mateusz guided the technical visits at Solaris factory and MPK Poznań depot

“Being a co-organizer of the 40th meeting of the UITP Trolleybus Committee in Poznań was a great opportunity to share our experience in the field of e-mobility with industry experts. Just as the transport needs of different cities and carriers vary, our offer in this area is also diverse and includes both battery buses, trolleybuses and hydrogen fuel cell buses. As a manufacturer of buses and trolleybuses, we are observing a huge transition in the market in this area. Already today, over 80% of the vehicles we produce are zero-emission vehicles. We are proud of the fact that as a member of UITP and a participant in the CBEP project, we can popularize zero-emission vehicle technology.“ Mateusz Figaszewski, Director of Institutional Partnerships and External Relations.

We are glad to see that the CBEP cities continue deploying their energy transition plans in such speed and with great results. 

Many thanks to our hosts for the great experience!

🎥 Watch the video from Solaris Bus & Coach for insights and highlights from the meeting!