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Toolkit Useful figures, tools and reads

The Toolkit is aimed at providing cities and operators, as well as any stakholder with up-to-date information on on clean bus technologies and bus fleet deployment.

It is structured in two sub-sections:

1) Market Monitoring, including information on: a) open tenders; b) bus orders; c) buses deployed; 

2) Library, a collection of knowledge resources organised around the 4-phases:

IF - KNOW & DECIDE: Material related to first stages of clean vehicle deployment, incl. identification & engagement of bus system actors, and identification of legislative and policy framework.

WHEN - PLAN, REGULATE, FINANCE: Material related to funding & financing schemes, ensuring support from authorities, setting up project governance, etc.

WHAT - SPECIFY, PROCURE, DEPLOY: Material related to the procurement process, developing partnerships, processes for infrastructure deployment, etc.

HOW - OPERATE & MAINTAIN: Material related to fleet/charging operation and optimisation, training of workers, evaluation of activities.